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Beyond a creative, I'm a dog dad, a traveler, a tennis player, a novice chef,  a DIYer, and an enthusiastic Nashvillian.

Ever since I was a youngster, I've been a communicator one way or another. From writing and painting, to speech and debate, I was always fascinated with the idea of crafting a message with words or visuals, and then sharing that message with the world.

This all culminated in video production when I became obsessed with class projects in High School. I discovered filmmaking is the ultimate form of sharing ideas because it combines writing, aesthetics, sound, and music all in one medium.

To sum things up in a SparkNotes summary, I pursued a degree in Cinema Production from DePaul University where I studied topics ranging from cinematography and lighting to film philosophy and screenwriting.


While in college, I was simultaneously growing into a decent cook, and I stumbled into some freelance work for food bloggers doing how-to recipe videos. This weekend gig turned into a full blown business very quickly, and I grew that business for four years earning over 1 billion total views on social media before landing at Ancient Nutrition.

Ancient Nutrition is where I've grown as a marketer. I've learned to communicate to our demo by providing value while also selling a product, which can be a delicate dance. 

I'm a team player at my core and thrive off bouncing ideas around with colleagues, so don't be a stranger, if any of this resonates, reach out using the form at the bottom of this page.


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